We have years of experience providing professional services from small to large business. We take great pride in providing you with the best craftsmanship with premium products at competitive pricing to meet your business goal.
Here are some of the key industries we specialize at

We provide ICT infrastructure consultancy as well as design, supply & build & commissioning and supports majority of the city hotels wired and wireless network infrastructure for both guest network and corporate network.

Our scope of work include implementation of network cabling infrastructure, integrating connectivity for the cruise services such as the LAN, VoIP, CCTV, HSIA, Casino System, POS, IPTV, GSM, Satellite System, etc.

We provide Mall ICT infrastructure works covering both vertical and horizontal cabling. The wired and wireless ICT infrastructure supported the mall services such as free WiFi connectivity for shoppers, CCTV, POS, Fibre Optic Network, etc

Business Building
Our expertise has proven with over 15,000 U/UTP, 10,000 fibre nodes termination and installation. The structured cabling system provide support to businesses voice, data and video network.

We install residences Fiber To The Home (FTTH) or Fiber To The Premise (FTTP) which provide High Speed Internet Access and IPTV, Pay TV broadcast, etc.

Our services is also extended onto healthcare industry which require highest quality workcraft on delivering mission critical life support system in its environment.
Its applications covering wired and wireless infrastructure from providing digital signage, surveillance system, healthcare support systems, internet access, etc
The delivered system has 20 to 25 years system warranty based on the local authority requirement.

We install campus LAN for education environment. Our installed nodes cover classroom, lecture halls, students hostel, etc
Educational institutions require the best performance system which proof robust and secure.

Our surveillance system installed covering wired network from control rooms to perimeter fencing on fibre connection to wireless connectivity on business offices, high rise buildings, universities, hotels, malls, cruises, factories, residences, etc